Check in date:

Check out date:

Check in time:
24hrs format

No. of rooms:

Room type:

Extra person is chargeable at an additional RM 15.00 nett per day.
We do not provide extra bed but we provide extra matress for one person.
All rooms are air-conditioned and with bathroom attached.
Check In time 1pm & Check Out is at 12:00 noon.
Hotel accept payment by credit card and require credit card details to guarantee bookings otherwise reservations are held until 6pm.
Cancellation must be notified at least 24 hours prior to arrival.In the event of a no cancellation/no show, your credit card will be charged for a one-night room rate.
Rates subject to change without prior notice.
Long stay and group rates are available upon request.
Rates are quoted nett inclusive of 10% service charges and 6% GST.
Rates are for room only without breakfast.

No.70-72, Jalan Petaling,
50000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
+603-2332 4779
+6017-680 9928

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