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How to get to Hotel from Airport ( KLIA )

1) ERL
An express rail link. Cost RM38 per person. 35 minutes to Kuala Lumpur City Centre [KL Sentral Station], transit Putra LRT train to Pasar Seni LRT Station, 150 meters away is Hotel China Town 2.
2) Airport Taxi
Cost about RM80 per taxi. 55 minutes to City Centre. After 15:00 hours(until midnight) the driver is not able to drop you in front the Hotel because of the night stalls being set up on the street. The driver will have to drop you nearby.
3) From KLIA2 Terminal Airasia Skybus
Cost only RM10 per person. The bus will drop you at Kuala Lumpur city center (KL Sentral Station), transit Putra LRT train to Pasar Seni station, 150 meters away is Hotel China Town 2.
The Star Shuttle which stops at Mydin Shopping Mall, 150 meters away is Hotel ChinaTown 2 (Petaling Street)




No.70-72, Jalan Petaling,
50000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
+603-2332 4779
+6017-680 9928

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